ਸਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਲਿਖੋ / Write for Us Guest Post

Currently, the Punjabi Tehelka is looking for active guest writers who want to contribute to our site.

Send an email to contact[at]punjabitehelka[dot]com if you’re interested in writing for the site.

  • We talk about fresh subjects that nobody has even considered before.
  • Additionally, we discuss well-known subjects from a fresh perspective.
  • We are provocative but supported by facts and logic.
  • We are controversial and sometimes combative but always driven towards a conclusion Why does someone need to read this (in other words, did we answer a question)

Punjabi Tehelka Guest Post Guidelines

  •  The content of your articles must be unique and not infringe on any third-party rights.
  • They should not be copied or used elsewhere, including on your own blog.
  • You could write on any subject.
  • A minimum of 5 articles and a maximum of 20 articles must be written each month. Your articles must be at least 800-1000 words long and free of irrelevant outbound links.
  • In order for readers to recognize you as a contributor to this blog, it is your responsibility to promote your articles and respond to comments promptly.
  • Please use hyperlinks rather than footnotes or endnotes to acknowledge sources if you are attaching a complete article rather than a PDF.
  • Send us your article or pitch only once, please.

Logical Blogger offers sponsored posts, advertisements, and product reviews.

Please email contact[at]punjabitehelka[dot]com for more information if you have any requests for sponsored posts or product/app reviews.

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